Sunday, November 12, 2017

It's been years!

I haven't blogged in years.  So much has happened.

that new job at the firm? I lasted 18 months and then they fired me.  I left happily and started a new job at a start up 2 weeks later. 

6 months later the start up fired me.  I was unemployed for 6 months then I got a temporary gig in the city.  I was there for 7 months and then i had to leave.  2 months later I got another job and 10 months later they fired me.

so the firm: I was given new clients after they'd done a finance deal so there is basically nothing to do.  after the finance round closes, they have however many millions of dollars to build their company so there's no work.  i couldn't keep my billables up because of instances like this.  and i'd always volunteer to help another paralegal but they didn't want to give their billable work away.

the start up: i went in as a paralegal and left as an account manager.  they role changed weekly.  it isn't anyone's fault, it's the nature of a start up.  that is how they become a company by adjusting all the time.  i am a paralegal, i am no account manager.

the other job: it was pretty good, i made good money and the location was easy.  it was an old company where people were there for decades--30, 40 years!  my mgr was a micro mgr and my predecessor would review my work all the time.  such a bad situation but i was willing to deal with it until the new year.

the temp gig: i remain friends with the woman i covered for and she is leaving next summer to move to Germany with her husband so that job will be available again.

also like a year after diamond passed away i got another dog, liberty.  liberty looks exactly like diamond but she's a different color like a weimaraner color.  but she's a pit

when will I succeed at work?  when?

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

a few thoughts on recruiters...

The relationship between a recruiter and someone looking for a new opportunity is abusive and sick.

A recruiter calls you—woos you.  Plays up some manure trading company in Iowa as the next big thing. Makes you feel special, like this manure company NEEDS a skill set like yours. They are growing like crazy and don’t know how they have managed all these years without you.  You have everything they want and need, you tick all the boxes! YOU! The smartest, most capable person they know.  You are EXACTLY what the client is looking for!! Then yay! The client wants to see you, so you pretty up, brush up on a company you could care less about, so you can present yourself to be scrutinized. Then for whatever reason the client passes and you become contagious—a smelly, oozing leper. Your emails and calls go unanswered and you never hear from that recruiter again.  Of course until the next BIG THING!  More like until they need to renovate their kitchen and need an influx of cash.  Recruiters out there? Fuck you!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New job

Hi. I've been at my new job for about 2 months and I think it's going well.  I felt completely at home when I walked in--no first day jitters, nothing.  As I waited for the HR lady to come get me an attorney strolls in with a chocolate lab. Yup they allow dogs! Imagine that?  Another great sign.

Friday, December 6, 2013

I know, I know, it's been a long time. ..

Hi. I know it's been s long time since I've written a post. A lot had happened. Good and sad.

God news first, I got a new job!  I start next week but am so happy to be out of my last job. It was awful. My ex-manager is the worst!   Condescending, racist, inappropriate, retaliatory... need I say more?

With the new job I get a prestigious place to work, training, 24 hours pto and a 40% raise. It's located 2 exits south from my old job so further but worth it I think and hope.

Now the sad news, Diamond passed away. I don't want to go into the details but she had cancer and was in absolute agony. She died on November 7th at home. She went very peacefully and for that I am so very thankful.. She was the love of my life and it's been difficult, but I'm what can I say? It was the best thing I could do for her. I miss her every day and feel the loss every day.

I truly believe she is at peace and that her passing some how has a direct correlation to me getting this job. I'm not sure how but I just really felt like she was setting me free from the worrying and running home to take care of her. I didn't realize how much stress I was under until a few weeks later when I slept 14 hours. I had been waking up around 3 am every night to listen to her breathe for months. Anyway, she is gone but her life changed me for the better, helped me when I needed it...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

So much to say, yet don't really feel like it...

I haven't been blogging much, just had a 180 change of 'tude and decided to stop bucking the system and go with this new gig and see where it takes me.

 I actually enjoy my new role immensely. It was good once I stopped fighting and thinking that I'm better than this, I'm not. I managed thru a year end month and loved the high stress action of it all. 

I've gone back to Bozeman twice since the first time and find it enjoyable although my plane has a propeller. I am friendly with Ashley and I want to say Kate (but can remember) who are the breakfast waitresses at the Hilton Garden Inn where I stay. They are interesting and fun. I also am friendly with Josh the bartender at Old Chicago restaurant. The staff there, and every one really, are super friendly. 

I like going to into the office there and have become friendly with Chris, tony, Brent, Linda and a few others. They are fun and funny and friendly. :)

All in all not bad...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Bozeman, Montana

Spent the week here: . It's was fun! Stay tuned for the update....

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

as luck would have it...

I started a new job this week and wouldn’t you know it I have two second interviews at other companies!

I am so excited for the possibilities :o)

One is at a law firm and one is in house at a pharma co.   

The pharma is corporate and securities for an up and coming company.  It’s been around for quite a while but last year was a banner year for them where they were awarded two FDA approvals for their cancer drugs.  Apparently that’s huge in that world and it has been experiencing extreme growth. 

The law firm job is with a prominent firm and is in healthcare M&A.  This role encompasses many of my skills although I have never used them all together in this way.  The firm is well respected and there are no billable hours, which is unheard of for a firm.  I am interested in both so we will see…stay tuned!