Tuesday, September 11, 2012


So today is 11 years after the World Trade Centers fell. It has been a sad day for me, sadder than last year for some reason. A lot has changed in 11 years. I remember this day for a lot of reasons.

At the time I lived in LA with my fiancé. He woke me up to watch the news and i remember being on the phone with my sister watching as the second tower fell. I couldn't breath or speak.

Eventually I got dressed and went to work. I remember sitting at my desk and calling my Mother who was crying when she told me my aunt, Sonia Mercedes Puopolo Morales, was in one of the planes. I didn't know that the plane I watched hit the second tower had my aunt in it.

I remember leaving work and going home. I somehow was put in contact with my cousin in LA and I went to his house. His mother was in that plane. We cried and cried and waited for word. Eventually a motor home was rented and stocked to take us back home to be with our families.

I remember i had left my license at my apt in my haste to get to my cousin and called my fiancé to bring it to me so we could leave. He wouldn't. He tried to forbid me from going to my family in our hour of need. What a dick.
He fought me the whole time I was gone. What a dick.

I didn't care, my family was more important than him so of course i went. We had drivers driving round the clock only stopping for gas until we got to Boston. My cousin was going to his family so he dropped me at a rest area and my other cousins picked me up. I haven't seen or spoken to my cousin since he dropped me off.

Every anniversary we remember. We remember different things i am sure but for me, I remember what a positive woman my aunt was. She helped me immensely when I was in college and encouraged me to fulfill my dreams. I don't think I wound be where I am today without her help.

Tonight I think of her. Pray for her. Pray for her children and hope the country heals.

Rest in Peace Titi Sonia, I will never forget.

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