Thursday, December 27, 2012


Having Frank was really hard. Harder than I ever thought it would be. I figured I walk, feed and care for a dog already, what's the big deal adding another dog to that routine?? Well it's a huge deal. Huge.

First of all he is untrained. I run my house with strict rules that have been developed and honed through years of learning to cope with Diamond's separation anxiety. The last thing I need is a dog to come in and fuck with our dynamic.

Frank did. He was over excited over anything we did. If I got up, he got up. If I walk down the hall, he was on my tail. He was constantly pushing his way on front of Diamond even to the point where she tumbled down the stairs because he had to be the first one out the door.

It got to be too much for me. I was constantly trying to train him and Diamond was depressed and losing fur. It was sooo stressful.

I ended up sending him to rocket dog. He's a rocket dog after all. I needed a break shoot! I am going to consider fostering an older dog more like Diamond so they get along better. Diamond couldn't stand Frank.

If any one out there reads my blog (I doubt it) please consider giving that big dope a good life. Like i said he's sweet just rough around the edges.

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